Sunday, May 10, 2009

Do You Want To Know Us?

Do You Want To Know Us?

group show by Jazmin Venus Soto

I will be in a showing MAY 22 and selling my zine
"Things I left at home that I needed today"

There is also an artist panel speaking at 66 W 12th St on the 4th Floor
the speakers are:::

The panel starts @ 6:30. the room isn't super huge, so you probably should RSVP to doyouwant.toknowus @

Other cool people showing work:
Cammisa Forrest
Jazmin Venus Soto

also gonna be there with stuff:
Gina Murdock
Geoff Kim
Maya Barrera Loeb
Emma Choy Brown
Naima Woods
Reni Washere
Paige Lipari

bits and pieces from "Things I left at home that I needed today"