Tuesday, May 26, 2009

today and tomorrow

thanks to everyone who was part of, helped, or came out to graduation, the exhibition, and the festival at my house. NO thanks to the people that walked over the fire escape onto my neighbors house.

i think im going to retire the blog for a week or two. really, i have nothing to say or share. if you are lucky enough, you will be getting some mail soon. im going to work on that. and maybe take some pictures. i havnt used a camera in months.

now im going to just hang out with my new neighbors and their kitten.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

i care because you don't

listening to the allman brothers.

make the books and make the cake.
get the sunglasses and the strawberries.
cups/ forks/ rags/ balloons.

drink lots of water.

party today and tonight --->
good weather
best hits
slasher risk
fluorescent vibes
(& other bands too)

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I'm still recovering from Friday night, the first time I went out in weeks. Saw Dan Deacon Ensemble and danced until my feet got bloody and then took my clothes off. Cammisa told me some girl said she wanted to punch me in the face. I couldn't hear her say that and just so I smiled and kept dancing.

There are pictures somewhere that I'm curious to find.

I lost my favorite sweatshirt in the fucking computer lab (either 3rd or 4th floor). It is blue and smells terrible: like old spice, pastels, and spilled miso soup. Please contact me if you find it.

i feel like a dead battery without it

I am back to the lab for what I hope is the last time. No more speed, strictly tea.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I wear jeans almost everyday and it has not held me back.


I called you because I was scared of dying and I was trying to /
trying not to throw up on my own stoop.

I couldn't find the keyhole in the lock
of the front door.

You didn't answer and still have not called me back.

It is too late now because my phone is off.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2/5 there

I have only a handful of favorite photographers. It is a small and scattered group.

These artists are all intelligent and sincere. The photographs are excogitative and often include pieces of the artist's physical body or traces of its existence in the images. The work is not evidence of life or as a result of living, it is more.
My favorite photographers are perspectivists. Their work illustrates the many ways of seeing 'real' objects and the unlimited truths in our world. A photograph can offer the viewer many ideas or perspectives, but it can never give a definitive truth. Neither the photographer, subject or viewer has knowledge of the noumenon, the thing-in-itself.

My favorite photographers are transcendentalists.

Photography is less art and more science. The medium requires traveling to a destination and studying a particular subject. A talented photographer can study a subject's qualities that are not immediately apparent to the human eye. The best photographs are to be viewed slowly. Repeatedly. The most interesting photographs do not rely on shock or the allure of novelty. These images do not necessarily display a new subject to the viewer, but display the subject in a way that the viewer has rarely, if ever, seen before.
Consequently, this display opens a new realm of possible meanings, interpretations and actions in our world.

Jim Goldberg

We are a very emotional and tight family, 1979 Silver print 35.2 x 27.4 cm.

SAN FRANCISCO — "Manny loves me—but I am too strong to love him." ... "This photo makes me want to cry," 1982.
© Jim Goldberg

Francesca Woodman

Lee Friedlander is close to being a favorite, but he I don't think he is.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mothers day

I am almost done with school (forever/ or for a very long time).
I am presenting my senior work on Wednesday! I have class up until the 18th which is my web design final presentation and radio documentary presentation.

Between essays, sound editing, printing and css coding, I've been working on my half of me and Monica's setlist for my SUMMERTTIME (no)BLUES PARTY/ FESTIVAL. The party has had too many names, but what to know is that it is on Saturday the 23rd and goes from 1pm until Sunday afternoon.
We already have something like 10 bands playing, mostly noise bands in the backyard starting Saturday afternoon, then when we start up again around 8 or 9 it will be in the basement.
My house is gonna fall down.

Monica and I wanted to break up the BK-centricity and all the noise, so we will be paying our respects to the dirty bits we came from---> MIA and ATL respectively. The setlist is gonna be heavy on southern rap throwbacks and dub (because its summertime.) I won't be saying anything else about it, but here is a preview of some jamz:

can't decide between this and "Chickenhead"

Hello tubetops.

"like Nermal from Garfield, you're kitten me"

now all I need is the Mali.

Do You Want To Know Us?

Do You Want To Know Us?

group show by Jazmin Venus Soto

I will be in a showing MAY 22 and selling my zine
"Things I left at home that I needed today"

There is also an artist panel speaking at 66 W 12th St on the 4th Floor
the speakers are:::

The panel starts @ 6:30. the room isn't super huge, so you probably should RSVP to doyouwant.toknowus @ gmail.com

Other cool people showing work:
Cammisa Forrest
Jazmin Venus Soto

also gonna be there with stuff:
Gina Murdock
Geoff Kim
Maya Barrera Loeb
Emma Choy Brown
Naima Woods
Reni Washere
Paige Lipari

bits and pieces from "Things I left at home that I needed today"

Monday, May 4, 2009


My ears hurt from not taking my headphones off for 12 hrs.
But they are not enough to keep the people out.
I am going to start wearing a surgical mask.

I've been drinking and working on lists with friends/
most of these I can not take credit for/
(please get a copy of the book when it comes out on the 22nd)

things I have lost
my bike
car in parking lot
the other earring

colors with interesting names (mostly Michael)
sandal slip

double green
radio blue
laser teal
bleen (Sarah)

tattoos I don't have
RUMOURS (fleetwood mac)
a parade of elephants

things I didn't like about you
you were too sensitive
you made me feel bad
you were gay
you were too scared to have an adventure

things I did like about you
your accent
your b.o
you defended me
you laughed too much

hire me
memories of yony
better kind of facebook

Saturday, May 2, 2009
