Wednesday, October 31, 2007

my life is going on well.

im going to try and get some developed today. maybe right now. a run to the art supply shop anyways. i wish i didnt have to change clothes. the air smells so good. there is sea air, a little smoke and fire, and it hurts going down, just a little. nose hairs stiffen and my pipes freeze dry a bit.

im also starting a list of topics to later investigate:

1) couch surfing catastrophes. (murders, killings, things etc)

2) american car culture. people living in their cars, high schoolers and their best car memories, etc.
3) what is so attractive about mccully culkin?
4) what happens to things that get stuck under your skin, literally. like if you stab yourself with a pencil, and the lead breaks off and gets stuck underneath. or splinters that grow over, and literally become a part of your body makeup. is this unhealthy? im asking cause i think i had some broken glass in my boot yesterday, and i coudnt find anything to take out.

i think i caught athlete's foot this summer when i was in israel. i want to go back there. i think i liked it enough to need to go back. the country- not the athlete's footPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket me and lonesome 6 hour atlanta-florida roadtrips to see my grandmother and annie and aligators.