Wednesday, September 16, 2009

green weiner

Seriously bumming. The only cure (besides working) is getting laid. Specifically, by Adam Green. I wouldn't want him to talk before or after, that would ruin it.

I might be moving back to ATL. If it does indeed come to that, it would mean giving up this fun thing I've got going at the UN. But then I think in Atlanta I would adopt a puppy and work on getting a car.

I am reading Sei Shonagon's "Hateful Things". I notice she left out unsatisfying compromises (like the one above). While it may be written in the definition that compromises mean giving up something that you want, unsatisfying compromises are truly he most hateful things of all.
Here are some gems she does include:
  • "An elderly person warms the palms of his hands over a brazier and stretches out the wrinkles. No young man would dream of behaving in such a fashion; old people can really be quite shameless."
  • "One has been foolish enough to invite a man to spend the night in an unsuitable place--and then he starts snoring."
  • "One has gone to bed and is about to doze off when a mosquito appears, announcing himself in a reedy voice. One can actually feel the wind made by his wings and, slight though it is, one finds it hateful in the extreme."
  • "Sometimes one greatly dislikes a person for no particular reason--and then that person goes and does something hateful."

It is so strange and wonderful when the world quietly unveils the littlest improvements. A bathroom tile has been missing forever in this spot. I came back and it has been discreetly replaced.
I vow not to fall asleep in the daylight for a while.