I took Advanced Non Fictionwith a professor who had terrible reviews on Amazon. When I first looked her up (I look them all up,) her name drew two types of work: 'Creative non fiction' work about Russian ballet, early American cinema and the biography of a woman's life written by her closet. The other was an autobiography written by one of Ted Bundy's ex-girlfriends. You can probably figure out which one she was.
Things I wrote included
an essay about Josef Koudelka
'How to Score an Israeli Soldier' American Girl Taglit Summer
New Orleans travelogue
a short story about forgetting things
some writing exercises are ridiculous. like recreating a moment in three sentences.
I wipe Abita foam from my upper lip. I am sitting on the front steps with Travis and smoking my first cigarette of the Summer. We are discussing the latest fight and lunchtime gossip.
Standing alone if front of a room full of buzzing brown eyeballs. My body begins to itch with anger and skin grows pinker with anger and embarrassment. Finally, as the messiness seems to be under control, a loud voice is thrown from the corner. He asks me where I’m from; he tells me, “What you ah doin, it’s alotta like teachin’.” A man named Mr. Omar.
Flying down a dead road named Freemanville. The air smells like horses and construction. I still get lost on night roads around my parents house.